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Shabbat Morning

Shabbat and Festival morning services currently begin at 9:30 A.M (In person and via Youtube livestream). The Torah service begins by about 10:30 A.M. and usually includes an opportunity for learning through a D’var Torah (speech or presentation related to the weekly Torah portion) or an engaging and lively discussion. Throughout the year, we often enhance Shabbat morning experiences with special services and programs.​

Our worship services are conducted in Hebrew along with English readings. We use Siddur Lev Shalem, the newest prayer book of the Conservative Movement, which contains the traditional Hebrew liturgy and a full English translation, plus thought-provoking commentary and some transliteration.  Our Shabbat morning Torah reading follows the official Triennial Cycle of the Conservative Movement. B’nai Israel is family friendly and welcomes people of all ages to attend our services.

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784